Sunday, July 28, 2013

After a bit of a hibernation, the Hedonistas are back, after a truly hedonistic day!

Diana hosted a clothing swap at her place, featuring a delicious meal beforehand (of course!).  Some highlights of the feast included Diana's homemade caramelized onion/apple savory tart, her cute fresh-veggie bread cups, Tiffany's homemade plum chocolate cake (which she claims was low-fat, but I have my doubts!), and of course the famous pork buns that we always love.  In true amateur-blogger style, none of these items are actually pictured below.

Another big hit was Mrs. To's garden vegetable harvest, including many varieties of tomatoes, eggplant, and other exotic squashes.  Delicious, and organic!

Afterward the delicious meal, we headed into the salon (normally it's just a living room, but for this occasion, it's a salon) to try on each other's unwanted garments.  How fun!  I only have 1 photo from this part of the day, so here's Thao, looking sleek and stylish in Tiffany's old dress!

 Michele joined us late in the afternoon, and the SF ladies without kids headed out for some drinks.  We drifted down Valencia Street for a while before deciding on St. Vincent's for beer, wine, and food.

 Then we had a drink at Iron and Gold, and ended the night at El Rio.  This all sounds like our good-old days of going out and clubbing, however, I believe we were home by 11PM!  Times change, but friendships remain.  :)


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