Wednesday, September 28, 2005

From the archives

So I was rooting around in my old Ofoto albums, and came across some pics from a night out with B back in February. I vaguely remember that we went to Cama, stumbled drunkenly into some random cafe, and then the Makeout Room and then...? Somehow I ended up passing out at B's place on the Aerobed. I think this was the night when T and D wandered around the Mission for 45 minutes looking for T's car. I can't believe how much we've changed in just a few months.

Check out D's brilliant purple highlights! Also, note that T and B have not yet achieved the level of sophistication to know how to smile for the camera. B does look quite fetching, with her jutting lower jaw and that angry gleam in her eye. Perhaps she is just disgruntled not to have any booze in front of her.

Look at my hair! It's a freaking hair waterfall. It's like the strands of hair are the greedy fingers of a lecherous old man trying to fondle my breasts (okay, maybe that's just my messed-up psyche talking). From my woebegone expression, I can see my past self had a premonition that hair and I would no longer be a hot item. Hair, I miss you, and if you are reading this blog, please write me, baby. We can work things out this time, I promise. I'll brush you and wash you and take good care of you. I'll only put you in a ponytail if you want it, too.

Fortunately, some things never change.

Rest assured that no matter the circumstances or location, I will unerringly sniff out the nearest pole and embrace it heartily. And T and D will be awed by the depth of my connection to the pole and rush to cling to my awesomeness. They are desperately hoping that my pole magic will rub off on them, I know it!

And finally, when we go out, we will always, always visit the corner store for some late-night snacks. I am so thankful that Corner-Store Man exists to give us all the stale gummy worms, cheese and crackers, and random Mexican candy a girl could ever want.


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