Monday, October 03, 2005

time to 'be sex' someone in greece

first off, before we jump into my greece trip w/j, we need to establish a few things:
(a) my b-day party was not a month-long drunken orgy, but in fact, a single evening . . a single busy evening . . .
(b) although the term, 'princess,' has been uttered in my presence, i do not spend my days wearing a crown ;D
(c) it is now october, and my b-day is long gone, so time to move on to bigger and better things, like 'be sex'in people !!

let me introduce you to the one, the only, 'be sex' man. no, it's not the denim-clad greek gent smoochin' j, but in fact, the white shirt-wearing dude who's head got cut off. yes, sad, but true . . we have no photo of the 'be sex' man's face . . only a heartwarming story to share. soooo, let's get started. . .

setting: balmy night in mykonos, j and me strolling through the town after dinner, in search of dessert . . . all of a sudden, mr. 'be sex' man comes running towards us, and proceeds to make very little conversation but also makes it clear he'll not be leaving our sides anytime soon. desperate to shake him, we turn our attentions to a caricature artist, who obviously took a liking to j, and thankfully spent a looong time sketching the remarkable likenesses depicted above (for those with a keen eye, and the intelligence to click on the pic, you will find a lovely surprise embedded in the sketch ;P) back to the story. the minutes ticked by. 'be sex' man was showing signs of impatience. as i waited for j to be sketched, i got sleepy and dozed on her shoulder, at which point, 'be sex' man spoke his tenth sentence of the evening, which was, 'why don't you come back to my apt to sleep?' umm. . yeah, smooth, huh? it gets better . . . mr. caricaturist gets in on the action and asks me if j is my girlfriend, to which i respond, 'yes,' with the false hope that this will deter their advances. yes, that was stupid of me. mr. 'be sex' man gets very excited at this point and tells us he is in fact, a "little gay" and would love for us to come 'be sex' each other with him and another girl at his apt. we respectfully decline, which seems to baffle him to no end. with knitted brow in a genuine expression of confusion, he asks us why we would refuse an invitation to 'be sex' each other with him. "life w/o sex is not a life," he sagely explains. hmmm . . we may agree, but also think: "life w/o sex w/a random greek waiter may not be a bad thing" ;D


Blogger Unknown said...

I know if I wasn't there, T totally would have boned both the "be sex" guy, AND the caricaturist. Good thing I'm around to be her moral compass and spiritual guide.

11:36 PM  

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